Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Leah's Milestones

I've been meaning to write this down in a journal for awhile now but I haven't gotten around to it. So while I'm thinking of it, I'm going to make a list of Leah's milestones so I have something to refer to for future kiddos.

6 months - sitting up on her own, bottom 2 teeth came in, started baby food

9 months - stopped breastfeeding, switched to formula

10 months - starting crawling (in hotel in Minnesota for Geoff & Jess' wedding)

11 months - top 2 front teeth, walking with push-walker

12 months - started "people food," still getting bottle at naptime, bedtime, and morning

13 months - started walking independently, switched bottle to 2% milk only at bedtime

14 months - 2 more bottom teeth, only taking a bottle occassionally

15 months - MOLARS (yikes!), put away bottles for good, learning sign language to say "more" and "all done"

17 months - running, saying specific words, climbing

here is one of my favorite pictures of Leah learning to walk with the push-walker... look at that booty sticking out! hahaha