So to keep up with our ever growing family, we decided to close off our "den" and make it into a 3rd bedroom. This will be Leah's "big girl" room and the nursery will remain the nursery, since it is ocean-themed, it will work for a boy or a girl.
Well you guys know me, when I want something done, I want it done now :) What's wrong with that? I got that from my dad! So I got 4 estimates on Wednesday, hired the lowest bidder, and they started on Saturday, finished it tonight! I thought it would take longer, but it was very quick, and they did a really good job! We still have to paint everything, but that can wait. I'm excited to paint Leah's new room. I haven't decided if I'm going to go with a cowgirl theme or a zebra theme. Either way it will be super cute.
Here is a picture of the final construction. Remember, we will still have to paint. The door next to the green wall is our front door, so when you walk in the front door, Leah's room will be on your right. The room turned out pretty big... 12X15ft. It's still a mess in there, so pictures of the actual room will come later. Here is a picture of the actual wall, looking towards my front door from my kitchen. Leah's room is in that open door...
In other news, I've been very nauseated the past few days. Morning sickness is hitting me hard. I'm living off of bagels, saltines, and ginger ale. Oy. I hope it passes soon. Leah has been such a good girl though. She must know I don't feel well, because she's been very snuggly and then goes off and plays by herself and keeps herself pretty occupied. I can't believe how much she is growing right before my very eyes. Her new favorite thing is to help me unload the dishwasher, she takes all of the silverware out and hands it to me and says "Tank you" (she's getting better at pronouncing it..) because I tell her "thank you" for handing it to me so now she just says it ahead of time. Hasn't quite gotten the hang of "you're welcome" yet. Haha but that will come later. She also now points to her diaper and says "poopoo" when she goes, which I'm hoping is a good sign of early potty-training!
Tim's doing good. He's working a lot this past week, but he has 5 days off this week and we have a few weddings to go to in the coming weekends. We love going to weddings because that means..babysitter, dressing up, free food, and dancing! :)
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