Leah and her plethera of animals/babies.. this isn't even half of them. Here she is giving her "bear bear" a kiss.
It's amazing how pure and compassionate the heart of a child is.... Today, Leah was sitting on my lap coloring and she went to open the cap of her marker and she pulled so hard that it swung back and hit me in the throat. I, of course, jumped and said "OW!" She turned around, looked up at me with the sweetest eyes, put her hand on my cheek and said "Mommy... you k?" (you okay?)
I had to go to Walgreens to get my prenatal vitamin prescription filled and Leah was in the back in her carseat with her baby doll (of course we cannot leave the house with some sort of array of baby dolls or stuffed animals....). I have a mirror attached to my rear view that allows me to see her without turning around, so I was watching her and she held the baby tight up to her chest, kissed her on the head, and told her something (jibberish, I have no idea...) and then she rocked it (as much as she could with her straps on) and said "ahh baby." I told her what a good big sister she was going to be and then she proceeded to "burp the baby" and pretend belch really loud. We have been practicing rocking and burping her baby dolls so she's prepared when baby brother comes along.
Anyways, its amazing to watch how sweet and compassionate she is. I just hope all that compassion stays in tact with a stinky, crying baby around :)
XOXO, Sarah I got a haircut so here it is with my 22 week baby belly.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Showing Compassion
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I haven't really been great at keeping up with this whole blog thing. However, I've been inspired to try to blog every day about something that happened that day. Regardless of who reads them, it's good to write down something good that happens. So here goes.
Today, I had to go to the farm ( I work part-time cleaning stalls and feeding the horses). Tim and Leah decided to come with me since it was a beautiful day out and Leah loves the "hawsies." The whole ride there she was saying "Hawsies.... where ahhhh youuuu?" At the farm she was going up to all the horses, petting them on the nose saying "ahh hawsie..." and then POKING them in the nose saying "BOOP!" I don't know where she got that one from.. TIMOTHY! Anyways it was really stinkin' cute and totally made my day!!
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 8:32 PM 0 comments
My Pregnancy Brain...
So I think the worst thing about being pregnant is the absentmindedness! Normally, I am very well put together, can always remember where the keys are, never forgetting the diaper bag, etc! Well here is a short list of stupid things that my pregnant brain has caused me to do:
1. I can't tell you how many times I have walked out the door without my purse, jacket, sunglasses, etc!
2. I took Leah to the swap meet the other day.. I was pushing her in the stroller for a bit and then she wanted to get out and walk. I had every intention of bringing her shoes... BUT I DIDN'T! She was not happy to have to ride in her stroller the whole time... Luckily we found a stand at the swap meet who was selling kids' crocs.. which she needed a new pair anyway, and she was able to find some that fit her and get down and walk. Phew!
3. We were going to do our taxes last week. I had everything together, our W2's and all that good stuff, in a folder on the counter. We got halfway there and I looked around for the folder... yep, letft it sitting on the kitchen counter. We had to run back and get it. THEN we got all the way to our tax lady's house and lo and behold, I had forgotten our check book! Tim dropped me off and had to go all the way home for it. Boo!
4. I WASHED MY FREAKING IPOD!!!!!! This is by far the worst thing my pregnancy brain has caused me to do. Every night, I play scrabble on my ipod touch before I go to bed and then set the ipod next to me. EVERY NIGHT. I know exactly where it is in the morning. Well I was washing the sheets (because I have been waking up with itchy eyes...). I TOTALLY forgot about the ipod and balled up the sheets and threw them in the wash. Several hours later, when I went to switch the sheets from washer to dryer... there was my pink ipod... staring right up at me. Needless to say there were a few choice words (I made sure Leah wasn't around...). So now I have a very clean, non-functioning ipod :( RIP Ipod!
And the list goes on......... I can't wait to get my brain back!!!!
xoxo, Sarah
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Oh Boy, A Boy!

Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 9:17 AM 0 comments