Thursday, January 28, 2010


I haven't really been great at keeping up with this whole blog thing. However, I've been inspired to try to blog every day about something that happened that day. Regardless of who reads them, it's good to write down something good that happens. So here goes.

Today, I had to go to the farm ( I work part-time cleaning stalls and feeding the horses). Tim and Leah decided to come with me since it was a beautiful day out and Leah loves the "hawsies." The whole ride there she was saying "Hawsies.... where ahhhh youuuu?" At the farm she was going up to all the horses, petting them on the nose saying "ahh hawsie..." and then POKING them in the nose saying "BOOP!" I don't know where she got that one from.. TIMOTHY! Anyways it was really stinkin' cute and totally made my day!!
