Since the day we brought Leah home from the hospital (or whenever we figured out she needed a schedule.. ie 4 months).. she has had the same bedtime routine every night. At around 7:30 we give her a bath. After bath, she lays down on her towel in her room and gets a lotion massage, brush teeth, brush hair, diaper, jammies. Then I sit with her in the rocking chair and sing her approx 3 songs while she had a bottle (up until 1 year) or sippy cup of water and snuggles her blanky. I put her in her crib while she was still awake so she would get used to soothing herself to sleep, which she does very well I might add (pat on back, Me!). ANYWAYS the point of my story is that she no longer wants me to rock her and sing to her anymore! After her bath and lotion, she stands up and I'll go sit on the rocker to wait for her but she goes right to her crib and says "UP Mama, Bed, Ni Ni!" To which I give her a pouty face and say, "you don't want to snuggles with mama?" And she replies "BED NI NI!" And then goes around her room and collects her animals ("ah gator" (alligator) "baby" "cars!" "dis! dis!" (whatever THIS may be that specific night) and heads back to her bed asking me to put her in.
Well, I guess she is no longer my BABY. She's now my big girl who doesn't want mommy to rock her anymore. SAD FACE!
Well touche! I guess it's time to get rid of the crib and move on to her toddler bed! I thought she wasn't ready yet but apparently I was wrong!
Here's some cute pictures of my big girl...She wasn't feeling great this particular day. So what makes everything better...? POPSICLES!
My antisocial girl "playing" with other kids at the park.
This pregnancy is flying by. 27 weeks here. Yes, my hair is darker but don't get used to it. My hair is growing like wildfire this pregnancy and I can't keep up with the roots being blonde! This is a little dark for my taste but it should lighten up...
Out visiting the "hawsies"
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Bedtime Big Girl
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 3:21 PM
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