Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Earthquake

"The angel said to the woman, 'do not be afraid, for I know you are looking for Jesus, the one who was crucified. He is not here, he has risen, just as he said he would!' " Matthew 28:5-6

Yesterday was Easter. We had a nice morning. We went to church and celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. Then we came home and all of us fell asleep for 3 hours! (WAY longer than usual naptime!) At 3:45, I woke up to the dogs whining and pacing back and forth. I thought maybe they had to go outside so I opened the bedroom door but they didn't go outside. I thought it was a little strange but went to wake up Leah, who was napping for WAY too long in her bed, and Tim who was napping on the couch. After we all woke up, Leah was sitting on the couch with Tim and I was in the kitchen making a drink when we felt it. The earth moving underneath of us. The walls started shaking and we heard pictures falling off the walls and shattering on the ground. Tim grabbed Leah and told me to go outside. We wobbily walked outside and stood there for a few minutes, watching our neighbors, and our trees and house shaking. It was an earthquake. A big one!

After it passed, we went back inside. We couldn't make any calls out for awhile and our internet was out practically all night. I started picking up everything that had fallen, nothing broke except for one picture frame, and the shattering noise that I heard must have been from the cross we had hanging on the wall in the hallway. I found it symbolic that on Easter, the day Jesus conquered death on the cross and rose from the dead, that our cross fell off the wall and shattered into a billion pieces. What an Easter lesson! When our world is a little shaky, we must remember to conquer our cross and that HE is our ROCK to stand on.

We turned on the news and discovered that the earthquake was centered in Baja, California which is not very far from us and it was a 7.2! We had aftershocks all night. I felt like I was on a boat all night! Anyways, everything is good and luckily no one was hurt.


Lindsey said...

I had no idea you had such an experience! So crazy. I'm terrified of earthquakes!!

phabicht said...

Hi. Loved your Easter earthquake entry. Symbolic, huh.