Yesterday Chase went back to his pediatrician and she diagnosed him with GERD (severe acid reflux) and hallelujah there's treatment! She prescribed him with Prevacid which is an acid blocker. He gets 1/2 tsp every morning and she said we should be seeing the full effects within a week. I've already noticed a significant difference in his temperment... He smiled at me today and went most of the day without crying! Woohooooooo! I'm looking forward to enjoying my baby again!
And today miss Leah had to go to the dentist to get her cavaties in her top front teeth filled. It was quite traumatizing (I think moreso for me than for her...) they gave her a liquid sedative that made her high as a kite. We had to wait in this little room for about a half hour for the drugs to kick in before they could begin the procedure...she kept trying to walk but was wobbling and Tim had to hold her to keep from falling and she kept saying "numbers!" (there was a scale in the room). Once she was loopy enough the dental hygenist took her and we had to wait in the waiting room. The whole thing took about 2 hours because the dentist said she kept waking up. She was really out of it on the way home but when we got home we snuggled and watched tv for awhile and then took naps and she was her normal self again after that. Lesson learned: be adament about brushing your kids teeth!! We have already started wiping Chase's mouth with a washcloth after his bath so he gets used to it and doesn't fight us like Leah does. Anyway that's the update on the health of my kiddos! Time for bed! Xoxo
Here is a picture of my poor girl on the way home from the dentist...that is a thermometer on her forehead.
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