Thursday, November 11, 2010

Confessions of a SAHM & Leah's Lingo

Confessions of a Stay At Home Mom:

-my kids stayed in their pajamas all day today.
-I ate 6 Oreos for lunch.
-Chase refused to take a nap today and therefore screamed in his crib for 20 mins because mommy needed a time-out (to eat my 6 Oreos...)
-I realized tonight that I can recite the Tinkerbell movie word for word.
-I have never been more excited about "poopy on the potty" in my life and yes I used the all-star parenting tool called bribery (it's been a rough few weeks with Leah holding it...) we did a marvelous dance and she got to pick out a lollipop!
-if I hear one more new mom talk about how their baby has been sleeping through the night since birth it's not going to be pretty.
-when I was going to the farm tonight to work I was halfway there before I realized I was still listening to Barney and the kids were home with Grandma.
-Leah wanted chips for dinner...we improvised and I made taco salad so she could have tortilla chips.
-my kids have been in bed for an much as I love bedtime, I miss them already. I'm sure I won't feel that way at 2am.

Leah's Lingo:

Her new thing is turning on and off all the lights and fans. The light in my closet burnt out today. Leah goes in my room and flips the switch and nothing happens. "MOMMY! Light's broken! It needs batteries!"

Any time we go to the store she wants to know everyone's name. "what's her name mommy?"

Tucking her in tonight.
Me: I love you, baby.
Leah: you're my best friend!
She melted my heart. I hugged her so tight she said "I'm stuck mommy!"

Leah reading to me tonight before bed.

My boy!

Watching daddy play football.

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