Friday, January 28, 2011

My Not-So-Little Monster

Chase's Milestones

Thought I would write them down while I still remember!

6 months: Sitting up, Bottom 2 teeth came in together
7 months: Army crawling
8 months: Crawling EVERYWHERE, pulling up on furniture, torturing sister, top 2 teeth came in together

Chase is 8 months now. He weight 29, yes 29, pounds. He's my monster. I certainly get my workout wrestling him every day. He is perpetual motion... NEVER sits still. He's in a big boy bath tub now. And he wants to pull up on EVERYTHING and try to walk. Diaper changes and getting him dressed are a feat. And he's so DARN cute!

Leah is not taking structured naps anymore... so she falls asleep randomly sometimes throughout the day. Chase takes full advantage: