Saturday, March 5, 2011

Getting Settled

It's been over a month since I last blogged. It has been a CRAZY month. We moved! We have been in Maryland now for 2 weeks. The kids are getting settled and we are almost finished unpacking all of our boxes! Tim started his 10 week fire academy that he has to go through before he can start working at PG County. Besides traffic, I think he is getting adjusted too.
My business is up and running again and busier than ever. I have a lot of new connections over here and it's wonderful! I'm starting to get into a day-to-day rhythm. We are LOVING being outside and all of the wonderful things to do over here!
Chase took awhile to get adjusted to his new sleeping arrangements, and after a few nights of screaming ALL NIGHT LONG, I finally gave in and now let him sleep in bed with me. He is sleeping snug as a bug tucked in next to mommy, and we are all getting sleep which = happier family!
Felony (the dog) is doing good. She hasn't even tried to eat any of the cats yet, and is even friends with my brother's dog, Oscar!
All in all it's been so far so good!



Jamie Fitzgerald said...

Glad you all are settling in well! I know you wanted to get home for a while. you can keep up with our family at
I will probably be placing another order soon.