Tuesday, December 29, 2009
December Wrap-ups
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
in a nutshell...
Well, we are headed to Maryland tomorrow for the Holidays! I'm so excited to see my family and have a nice relaxing vacation. I'm running around like a chicken with her head cut off today trying to pack and clean the house (nothing like coming home to a clean house!!) even though Tanner (our neighbor) will be staying here to watch the house and the dogs. But in the midst of all of the craziness today I thought I would give a run down on the happenings of the past few weeks.... Here goes....
On Thanksgiving, we went to Aunt Chris' house like always and had a nice lunch with the family. I took off early and headed to Scottsdale to visit my friend and old roommate, Michelle, for my first overnight trip away from Leah! Tim was off the next few days so he offered to watch Leah while I went up and had some R&R (much needed after my nauseating first trimester!!) I had a nice time with Michelle and even went and got a prenatal massage! It was heavenly and just what the doctor ordered. I missed my baby so much though!! It was nice to get away but I wouldn't trade my life for anything! (even if that means getting up 6 times a night....)
I had my 13-week doctor's appointment and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat and see him/her on the ultrasound. He/she was waving at us and swimming all around in there, doing backflips and all kinds of nonsense. I go back on December 23rd and hopefully will be finding out if we are having a brother or sister!! We are having a hard time deciding on names...
Not much else has happened. We had a crazy wind storm last night. The town looks like a tornado rolled through. I couldn't sleep at all since the wind and rain was shaking the house. I heard on the radio some guy's skylight blew right out of his master bedroom! It was pretty intense. Luckily we didn't lose any trees or anything.
Well I should get back to packing... tomorrow is going to be a whirlwind of a day! We leave Yuma to drive 3 hours to Phoenix, our flight from PHX is at 1pm and then we have a layover in Tennessee and then finally get to Baltimore at 10pm! It's going to be a long day and I'm praying that little miss Leah behaves herself, but she has never failed us. Wish us luck! And we can't wait to see you all!! XOXO
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
Leah's new obsession is Elmo... every morning I turn on Sesame Street while she eats breakfast and I get ready for the day. I've been doing this since she was a baby but she never really paid any attention to it until a few weeks ago, when she learned how to say "Elmo." She watches him intently and dances along to "Elmo's World..."
When we go to Walmart, every toy that is red or somewhat resembles a monster is called "Elmo!" and I have to explain to her, "No, that's Mickey Mouse..." or "That's right, Elmo, and we wave at Elmo when we go by.. hi Elmo! bye Elmo!" otherwise we will be buying every damn Elmo toy that was ever made.
Well last night, I thought I heard her at around 3:00am so I went into her room to check on her. She looked up at me with this big silly grin and said "Elmo??" and then laughed, and closed her eyes really tight again. She must have been dreaming about Elmo, and it was so stinkin cute.
Tim puts Elmo videos on the iPod and she carried it around dancing and singing with Elmo. It's cute but if I have to hear "Elmo's song" one more time.........................
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Bedroom Addition
So to keep up with our ever growing family, we decided to close off our "den" and make it into a 3rd bedroom. This will be Leah's "big girl" room and the nursery will remain the nursery, since it is ocean-themed, it will work for a boy or a girl.
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Update on the Acorn Trees!
- The Acorn Woodpecker stores nuts in individually drilled holes in trees called granaries. The acorns are jammed in so tight that even squirrels can’t pry them out. Some of these granary trees have up to 50,000 holes drilled by extended woodpecker families.
- Acorns seem to be emergency provisions; on mild winter days these birds catch flying insects.
- Breeding groups may contain as many as 7 male breeders and 3 females. All breeding males can mate with any and all of the female breeders of the group.
- A group of acorn woodpeckers are collectively known as a "bushel" of woodpeckers.
- "Woody Woodpecker" was based on the Acorn Woodpecker

Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
Camping in Julian
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Two Pink Lines
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Leah's Milestones
I've been meaning to write this down in a journal for awhile now but I haven't gotten around to it. So while I'm thinking of it, I'm going to make a list of Leah's milestones so I have something to refer to for future kiddos.
6 months - sitting up on her own, bottom 2 teeth came in, started baby food
9 months - stopped breastfeeding, switched to formula
10 months - starting crawling (in hotel in Minnesota for Geoff & Jess' wedding)
11 months - top 2 front teeth, walking with push-walker
12 months - started "people food," still getting bottle at naptime, bedtime, and morning
13 months - started walking independently, switched bottle to 2% milk only at bedtime
14 months - 2 more bottom teeth, only taking a bottle occassionally
15 months - MOLARS (yikes!), put away bottles for good, learning sign language to say "more" and "all done"
17 months - running, saying specific words, climbing
here is one of my favorite pictures of Leah learning to walk with the push-walker... look at that booty sticking out! hahaha
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Everyone's been asking me what Leah says these days.. so here's a list straight from her mouth:
- Not counting the usual "mommy," "daddy," "bye bye," "baby"
- "binky" - this is clear as day, and she wants her binky NOW when she says it
- "banky" - this is also very clear that she wants her blanky and if you don't get the message, she will take you by the hand and lead you to her bed where her blanky is and point in her crib and say "banky!"
- "ni-ni" - night night
- "soos" - we keep her shoes in a basket on a table in the entryway, she points to them and says "soos" when she wants to go for a walk, which she calls "caulk"
- "joos" - juice. not to be confused with shoes, they sound very similar, and anything in a sippy cup is called "joos"no matter if it's water or milk
- "mon(long pause)keee" - tim's nickname for leah has always been monkey and now its so funny when she says it because she takes a dramatic pause in between syllables, which she also does for the word outside
- "ow(long dramatic pause)siiiiii" - outside. she usually goes to the back door, trying to turn the key and says "ow siii" and she wants to go now no matter if its still 108 degrees out, and if i tell her its too hot she bangs on the door and says "NO!"
- which brings us to my least favorite of her words.. "NO!" and she says it just like that. very demanding and its usually followed by some sort of hitting motion in the air. sometimes she hits the dogs or my leg, for which she gets a time out
- "no no no no" - this is cute and not like the other NO because she always does 4 in a row and she's talking to the dogs, and it's accompanied by a pointing finger motion at them. she tells them this when they are playing or barking too loud.
- "Jes" - Yes. she also likes this word
- "Bubba" - this is what we call the dog, her best friend, who she chases around with her stroller or car or anything else she can push
- "dog dog" - general term for dogs, she also says "woo woo" as in woof woof
- "mow" - meow. we see a lot of stray cats in the neighborhood on our nightly walks, she just points them out and says "mow"
- "bew but" - belly button. she lifts her shirt up, grabs her belly button and says "bew but," she went a little higher one day and i told her that was called boobies and yes she now says "boobies" every now and then. not something i encourage, even though it was my fault
- "nose" - proceeds to stick her finger as far up her nose (or yours for that matter)
- "eye" - and pokes herself in the eye (or you)
- "luhluh" - i love you. we taught her to wave her fingers like an "L" shape and say i love you, which sounds like "luhluh" but it's the most precious thing ever
- "mow" - more. my mom taught her the sign language for more, so she says "mow" and taps her pointer finger in her other palm. sometimes is very demanding.
- "peas" - please
- "tan to" - thank you, she also does the sign for this
This is all I can think of right now, but she's learning new words every day!
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 8:06 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
Roseola... not so rosy!

Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 1:03 PM 0 comments
A Blog is Born
Posted by Tim, Sarah, and Leah at 12:26 PM 0 comments