Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chase Update 4 Months

My baby boy turned 4 months on September 26. I can't exactly say that it has flown's actually the exact opposite. These last four months have seemed to last forever. And while I enjoy every moment of it (ok maybe not EVERY moment...) I'm sad to say a part of me wants him to just be mobile already. Shock. I know. If you've ever had to deal with a collicky baby you understand my mixed emotions. I savor every coo, every smile, and every laugh and the motherly side of me says slow down and enjoy THESE moments!! But the part of me that's going a little nutty from all the fussing thinks it will be easier when he can sit up and play with toys or interact more with Leah and not be so dependent on me to hold him all day long.
Anyways my little (big!) guy had his 4 mos checkup this morning and weighed in at a whopping 21 lbs 10 oz. Dr. Amon said he has probably outgrown his prevacid dose for his GERD and so she increased his dose in hopes it will help him again. Other than that he is perfectly healthy and developing right on track!
He's starting to reach for things and show interest in toys, he enjoys being in his walker or jumperoo for short periods of time, he's VERY interested in the TV, he loves tummy time and is holding himself up on his arms and wants to scoot so bad! He also can roll over now (but he still gets his arm stuck under his belly). He's already wearing size 12 months clothes! Despite his fussy times, we are still absolutely in love with our little man! :)

For some reason I think he looks JUST like my Uncle Joe (mom's brother) in this picture:

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