I've been kind of stressed out and bummed lately because Chase is such a grumpy baby. That sort of thing wears on you especially when you're sleep deprived and also trying to keep up with a two-and-a-half year old while holding a 20 lb crying baby. Dont get me wrong I absolutely love my kids and being able to stay home with them but I've just been feeling a little down.
Tim, bless his heart, was off the last 3 days from work. He got up with the kids each morning and took them to the park so I could sleep in a little. And last night he got up every time with Chase even though he had to work today. I'm just so lucky to have a guy who will step up to the plate when he sees me struggling a little.
With the nature of his job as a paramedic, he sees some pretty heartbreaking stuff. One of the more recent events was a little baby who has to live with a trachea tube because of some birth defects. He told me he bets that boy's parents would give everything they have to deal with a crying baby...just to hear their baby cry would be a miracle. And you know what, he's right. I am so blessed to have two beautiful and perfectly healthy babies. Today my boy's cries meant the world to me. He may be fussy but he's healthy. Leave it to husbands to bring you back down to reality when you need it! <3 xoxo
And his smiles may be few and far between but that just makes them so much more special!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Good advice!!
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