Saturday, May 28, 2011

Little cabin in the woods...

So last weekend my parents offered to watch the kids for the weekend and send us off to their cabin 3 hours away in Deep Creek. My response? Heck yea! It was a great weekend full of relaxation, hot tubs, wine, and some good old fashioned fun ;)

We slept in until who knows when...ate at the cutest little truck stop for breakfast (or lunch?) both days. We went horseback riding through the woods and had drinks at a lakeside bar. It was so nice to get away for awhile and we came home very refreshed to our babies. Thanks mom and dad!!

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Chase turns one!

On Thursday, my little bubba (aka bam-bam) turned ONE!! I keep hearing "where did the time go" and "he's one already?!" but honestly GOOD GRIEF! This has been one of the longest years of my life and I feel like he should be turning 3 or 4 already! (not that I'm wishing time away at all!) Between the colic (incessant crying for no reason), waking up every 2 hours until umm last week, and us moving all the way across the country, it has been one grueling and eventful year! But I'm pleased to say that our little man is blossoming and developing quite the personality. He is SO can almost see his entire thought process when he is thinking or wanting something. He points at everything and his current words are: dada, bo (boat), key (kitty), prit (pretty), and up. Still not mommy!!! But he does call me "prit" so I guess that's okay ;)

He is finally sleeping all night and he thinks Leah is SO funny. He loves to be outside and loves wagon rides. And he absolutely adores his daddy. When Tim walks in the door his whole face lights up and he immediately reaches for him. We just love this little guy!!! Happy birthday, Chase Timothy!!

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Leah's lingo

The other morning I was taking a shower while Chase napped and Leah was playing quietly in my room. When I got out of the shower, Leah was putting everything on the floor into my laundry baskets. "look mommy! I cleaned up for GiGi! (my grandma) so she can come visit! It's all clean for her!"
Too precious!!!

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