Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Terrific TWO'S!!

Well, last Friday, *sniff sniff*, my baby girl turned TWO! I can't hardly believe it! It's like she woke up a little lady instead of a little girl. She's sleeping in her new room, in her twin bed, and LOVING it.
We had a nice dinner Friday night (pizza and ice cream cake.. yea!) to celebrate for her actual birthday, just us. Then on Saturday, we had a bunch of friends over for a BBQ celebration in honor of my birthday girl! She got a lot of really fun gifts and had a great time at her party once she warmed up to the idea of everyone being there and talking to her.
On Monday, I took her for her 2-year check up at the doctor. It was a nightmare. She literally screamed NO NO NO and told the doctor BYE BYES! the entire time. She didn't want this strange lady touching her or looking in her ears or mouth. Poor thing. It was kind of embarassing, but I can't say I blame her. The doctor kept calling her a monkey, the way she was clinging onto me. She is off-the-charts tall for her age, yet didn't meet weight requirements. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about at this age because they are so active, but that we should really watch it and make sure she is getting enough calories throughout the day. She also recommended taking away sippy cups and binkies.. eek! We'll get there eventually... for now we are dealing with one change at a time.

Books are Fun

Leah got a whole bunch of awesome new books for her birthday from some of my friends, so I decided to relocate where I keep her books. I used to keep them in one of the drawers underneath her bed, but I decided to move them over to the shelf next to her dresser to make more of a bookshelf if you will. She helped me by bringing me every single book one by one from the drawer and plopping down on my lap asking me to "read mama again!" So needless to say, we spent the day reading about 30 books over and over and over and over again. I mean I LOVE that she loves to read. She even has some of them memorized and "reads" them to me and makes the animal noises or points out words that she knows. It's super cute. BUT .... I'm all booked out for one day!!!!!!

On a side note, I'm just about 35 weeks pregnant..VERY pregnant. It's starting to get heavier and more tiring every day. I've had to cut back on my farm hours, and possibly stop altogether (I'm holding out to see how the rest of the week will be). Last night I had a rough time and had some serious contractions from about 8pm until a little after midnight. The little voice in my head was telling me I should go to the hospital but my brain said NOOOOO. I drank about 32 oz of water and laid in bed on my left side, like my midwife told me to do, and stuck it out for a few hours and eventually fell asleep and was fine this morning. Little man is anxious to meet me, I guess! Well he has to hang on a few more weeks!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Yesterday we made the hard decision to take our dog, Bubby, to a new home. We decided about a month ago that we just can't give him all the love and attention and exercise that he needs and started on our journey to finding him a new family to love. He is a great dog but is just so full of energy that we couldn't keep up with him in our small condo with a small back yard. The thought of having 6 of us (with the new baby) in here in a few weeks made my blood pressure skyrocket and we all knew it was just for the best for all of us.
We got a few responses and finally decided on this couple named Les and Jul. He is a retired marine and she works part time at their church as the nursery director. They have a great family and someone always around to play with him. They have a large home and a decent sized yard for him and Les runs every day. I took Bubby over there yesterday to meet them and you could tell he instantly took a liking to Les. I stayed for about an hour to make sure I was happy with the decision and managed to leave without crying (until I got in the car at least). I know this is the best thing for both him and for our family. Our other dog, Felony, doesn't even seem to notice... in fact I think she's happier too because she gets to go on walks again (it was just too chaotic with 2 dogs and a 2 yr old) and we even took her to the station to visit Tim last night and she and Leah got to run around together. Leah doesn't seem to notice either, she asked for him once or twice, but is focusing more on Felony.
Les and Jul agreed to keep in touch with us and keep us updated on how Bubby is doing. I got an email from Les last night and this morning and Bubby seems to be doing great and has taken a liking to their one-year-old grandson. Here is an email I recieved this morning that I thought I'd share:
Good morning Sarah!
Thought I would attach a few pics this morning.
We all did fairly well, he was kind of ansy throughout the night in his new surroundings but again, new sights, new sounds, new smells it's to be expected. We got up and he joined me on a good 3 mile run this morning and he did great, stayed right with me, didn't fight the leash, didn't try to chase dogs, cats or cars.
Have a good day.

The picture above is a picture that Les sent.. he looks happy.

Anyways, we miss that little guy but we know this is the best thing for him and for us. He'll always have a special place in our hearts! XOXO, Sarah

Friday, April 9, 2010

Naptime Hide-and-Seek

Today I put Leah down for her usual nap around 12:30 and then went and laid on the couch to watch TV. About 20 minutes later, I got up to check on her and her bedroom door was wide open. She was nowhere to be seen! After thoroughly searching her room and mine, I found her hiding behind some hanging clothes in my closet... her blanky was thrown over her shoulder and her hair was all a mess. She looked at me and said "Hi mama, whatya doing?" LOL I just chuckled (to myself) and told her it was not time for hide and seek, it was bedtime!! I wonder how long she had been standing there before I came in... she went right to sleep after that (in her bed) and took a good 2 hour nap. Siwwy girl.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Earthquake

"The angel said to the woman, 'do not be afraid, for I know you are looking for Jesus, the one who was crucified. He is not here, he has risen, just as he said he would!' " Matthew 28:5-6

Yesterday was Easter. We had a nice morning. We went to church and celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. Then we came home and all of us fell asleep for 3 hours! (WAY longer than usual naptime!) At 3:45, I woke up to the dogs whining and pacing back and forth. I thought maybe they had to go outside so I opened the bedroom door but they didn't go outside. I thought it was a little strange but went to wake up Leah, who was napping for WAY too long in her bed, and Tim who was napping on the couch. After we all woke up, Leah was sitting on the couch with Tim and I was in the kitchen making a drink when we felt it. The earth moving underneath of us. The walls started shaking and we heard pictures falling off the walls and shattering on the ground. Tim grabbed Leah and told me to go outside. We wobbily walked outside and stood there for a few minutes, watching our neighbors, and our trees and house shaking. It was an earthquake. A big one!

After it passed, we went back inside. We couldn't make any calls out for awhile and our internet was out practically all night. I started picking up everything that had fallen, nothing broke except for one picture frame, and the shattering noise that I heard must have been from the cross we had hanging on the wall in the hallway. I found it symbolic that on Easter, the day Jesus conquered death on the cross and rose from the dead, that our cross fell off the wall and shattered into a billion pieces. What an Easter lesson! When our world is a little shaky, we must remember to conquer our cross and that HE is our ROCK to stand on.

We turned on the news and discovered that the earthquake was centered in Baja, California which is not very far from us and it was a 7.2! We had aftershocks all night. I felt like I was on a boat all night! Anyways, everything is good and luckily no one was hurt.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Well, today I had to dial 911 for the first time ever. Tim got a new truck, so we were installing a new car seat for Leah in the back and we put her up in the seat just to try it out and fit the straps. Well, when we went to take her back inside she got all upset because she thought she was going for a ride in daddy's new "chuck"... so Tim, being the sucker he is, started up the car to take her for a ride. He ran inside really quick to grab her goldfish and juice and the car door locked behind him! My baby was locked in the car!! The AC was on (luckily! or we would have just broken a window! hey, we have insurance!) and she didn't seem to know what was going on. Trying not to panic, I played peek-a-boo and made silly faces at her through the window while Tim tried to pry the window open and shove a coat hanger down there to pop the lock. (They do this almost every day at work, being a paramedic, but of course he didn't have the proper tools.) Once Leah started to get upset and my fishy faces weren't making her laugh anymore, Tim told me to call 911. This is how the conversation went:

911, what's your emergency?
"My baby is locked in the car. The air conditioner is running but she is starting to get upset. My husband is a paramedic and has been trying to get her out but has been unsuccessful so far. She's 2 years old."
Okay ma'am, please give me your address and we'll send someone right over.
"Thank you so much!!"

Just as I hung up the phone, here comes Tim with Leah in his arms. He was able to maneuver the coat hanger to unlock the door. YAY! She was relieved and asked for some milk and Barney. We called 911 back and told them we were able to get her out, but they had to send someone by to check on her and get my signature anyway.

Needless to say, we are getting a spare key for the truck made tomorrow!!