Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Big Girl!

It seems like just yesterday we were bringing home our little 7lb 15oz baby girl home from the hospital. Neither one of us had had too much experience changing diapers but we jumped in head first with our new, sweet, beautiful, and stinky! baby girl, Leah. How something so tiny and precious could make such a mess (there were a few flying poo incidents) was beyond me! Now...27 months later...I'm proud to announce that our Leah Joan is no longer in diapers!!! (insert immense clapping and a cute jingle about "peepee on the potty" here).
We tackled the beast, so to speak, over a 3 day period when Tim was home to help me with Chase. Like everything else she does, Leah took to it right away. After she realized she didn't like the feeling of pee running down her legs, that was it for her. She decided that the potty was a better choice. We went to the store and she picked out Minnie Mouse and Cinderella undies and for the past week we have been accident free! Now only one kid in diapers woohooooooo!

Now I'd like to point out the things no one tells you about your child being potty trained...
*no matter how long they have been sleeping through the night they will start waking up now to use the bathroom...
*"I have to go potty" is the new greatest excuse for getting out of bed and do u really want to take that risk of not letting her go?
*public restrooms become THAT much more disgusting...
*your child will have a newfound discovery of their "parts"
*you will make up more songs and rhymes about bodily functions than you ever dreamed about before becomming a parent
*your child might just tell everyone about her new accomplishment and will expect a high-five and a sticker from each one of them

Anyways I'm so proud of my girl!!!

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Cavaties and reflux...

Yesterday Chase went back to his pediatrician and she diagnosed him with GERD (severe acid reflux) and hallelujah there's treatment! She prescribed him with Prevacid which is an acid blocker. He gets 1/2 tsp every morning and she said we should be seeing the full effects within a week. I've already noticed a significant difference in his temperment... He smiled at me today and went most of the day without crying! Woohooooooo! I'm looking forward to enjoying my baby again!

And today miss Leah had to go to the dentist to get her cavaties in her top front teeth filled. It was quite traumatizing (I think moreso for me than for her...) they gave her a liquid sedative that made her high as a kite. We had to wait in this little room for about a half hour for the drugs to kick in before they could begin the procedure...she kept trying to walk but was wobbling and Tim had to hold her to keep from falling and she kept saying "numbers!" (there was a scale in the room). Once she was loopy enough the dental hygenist took her and we had to wait in the waiting room. The whole thing took about 2 hours because the dentist said she kept waking up. She was really out of it on the way home but when we got home we snuggled and watched tv for awhile and then took naps and she was her normal self again after that. Lesson learned: be adament about brushing your kids teeth!! We have already started wiping Chase's mouth with a washcloth after his bath so he gets used to it and doesn't fight us like Leah does. Anyway that's the update on the health of my kiddos! Time for bed! Xoxo

Here is a picture of my poor girl on the way home from the dentist...that is a thermometer on her forehead.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010


Well if you're wondering why I haven't been updating more often its because I rarely have a hand free to type.. You see our house is under attack by the collick monster! Yep that's right... Mr Chase has a serious bout of collick. Now if u don't know what collick is let me explain... By definition: unexplained, unconsolible crying for 3 or more hours a day, 3 or more days a week, lasting about 3 months. Damn you number 3!!! Now by Chase's definition: unconsolible crying unless you're bouncing on that sweet birthing ball that kills my moms back...from about 7am until I finally fall asleep around 10pm. And since you were nice enough to hold me while I screamed bloody murder all day long I'll be nice enough to let you sleep in 2 to 3 hour incriments all night long. Love, Chase.

So you can see why I'm MIA from the computer a lot. My poor's such a hopeless feeling knowing that I'm supposed to be able to make him all better as his mommy but nothing I do works! It just seems like he's in so much pain all the time. We go back to the pediatrician tomorrow to see if there's ANYTHING else we can do for him!

Anyways I downloaded blogger for my iPod so it will be easier for me to post more frequently, as I'm laying in bed right now about to go to sleep. On a lighter note...I cut my hair super short for the summer. It's really cute and really easy to maintain. I was getting tired of looking tired! Goodnight all:) xoxo

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