Saturday, October 2, 2010

Leah's Lingo

We were out running errands earlier and I realized it was past lunch time (it was just one of those days...) and so I swung through the McDonald's drive-thru to get Leah a Happy Meal. After she said "thank you" to the people at both windows, she asked me for a French fry.
Me: "You can have some in a minute, baby they're too hot right now."
Leah: "You're SO hot, momma!"
This kid CRACKS me up. (OK she may have picked that one up from Tim...)

We were in Michael's earlier and she was looking at all of the fake Halloween pumpkins...
Leah: "Mommy, can I have dis punkin?"
Me:"No, Leah, that's too big, let's find a smaller one..."
Leah: "What about dis one? Or dis one? How bout dis one? (pointing to every single pumpkin in the place.)"
She then turns to the lady who is minding her own business looking at some of the Halloween decorations and she tells her "I LOVE punkins!!" The lady just laughed at her and told me how cute she was. LOL.

There was something else really funny that she said tonight but my brain hurts and I can't think right now but when I remember it I'll let you know :)

Chase's first wagon ride... He was a little wobbly and I kept having to reposition him, but he loved it!!