Saturday, October 2, 2010

Showers of Praise

I heard a saying when Leah was a baby: "You should praise your children 10 times as much as you correct them." I have always tried to do this with her. I am constantly telling her what a good job she's doing even if it's something as simple as putting something in the trash. It's just second nature to me because she's such a good girl. "You can do it!," "I'm so proud of you!," and "Good job!" are phrases she hears often. I didn't really notice how much I say those things to her until recently when she turned the tables on me.
I was coming out of the bathroom the other day and Leah goes "You did it, Mommy! YAY!" It made me chuckle...she was applauding my going peepee on the potty like I do with her. And more recently every time I do something, she tells me "Good job, Mommy!" like when I made her milk today at nap time. I handed it to her and she looked up at me and said "Good job, Mommy!" Every now and then I'll even get an "I'm SO proud of you, Mommy!" It makes me smile every time. She's such a sweetheart. And I'm glad to know that my words mean so much to her.


Lindsey said...

Okay that is freaking cute!!! I agree with your way of parenting 100% - I do the same thing with Hannah and I hope it rubs off like you did on Leah!