Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Books are Fun

Leah got a whole bunch of awesome new books for her birthday from some of my friends, so I decided to relocate where I keep her books. I used to keep them in one of the drawers underneath her bed, but I decided to move them over to the shelf next to her dresser to make more of a bookshelf if you will. She helped me by bringing me every single book one by one from the drawer and plopping down on my lap asking me to "read mama again!" So needless to say, we spent the day reading about 30 books over and over and over and over again. I mean I LOVE that she loves to read. She even has some of them memorized and "reads" them to me and makes the animal noises or points out words that she knows. It's super cute. BUT .... I'm all booked out for one day!!!!!!

On a side note, I'm just about 35 weeks pregnant..VERY pregnant. It's starting to get heavier and more tiring every day. I've had to cut back on my farm hours, and possibly stop altogether (I'm holding out to see how the rest of the week will be). Last night I had a rough time and had some serious contractions from about 8pm until a little after midnight. The little voice in my head was telling me I should go to the hospital but my brain said NOOOOO. I drank about 32 oz of water and laid in bed on my left side, like my midwife told me to do, and stuck it out for a few hours and eventually fell asleep and was fine this morning. Little man is anxious to meet me, I guess! Well he has to hang on a few more weeks!