Saturday, September 25, 2010

Leah's Lingo

Comes up to Chase with a plastic flower in her hand..."here ya go bubba!" puts it in his hand and squeezes gently so he grasps it..."it's pink! For you! I love you bubba!" kisses him on cheek.
I told her "that was very good sharing, Lea! You're such a good big sissy! It's time for Chase's bath now so ask him for your flower back..."
Takes it from his hand...looks down at it disguntingly... "eww mom! He dooled (drooled) on it!"

Leah and I painted our toenails yesterday and when we were done she looked at Chase in his jumper and looked at his feet then looked at me..."we do Chase's too?!"

"Mom! (demandingly) Put Chase in here! (points to jumperoo) Come to my room and play toys!!"

Tim was watching Smallville... Leah came in and started singing the theme song ("Somebody savvve meeee") and then said "Daddy...I love Superman!"

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