Friday, January 14, 2011

Busy Bee and Leah's Lingo

I have been off the map lately, I know. Don't have time to blog... too busy stamping! But here's some Leah's Lingo to tide you over...

Ok, I love that my kid knows her colors.. but I don't really want to hear "MOM! That's brown!" every time she poops...

Today we went to the post office, she wanted to take her baby doll with her. She carefully carried her around because she was "sleeping" and then in the post office kept adjusting (and grunting) the baby on her hip like I do with Chase.. It was hilarious. Then we got home she wanted to put her baby in Chase's crib because it was her nap time. She went right from the car to his room and put the baby in the crib and even asked me to close the curtains. She tiptoed out and quietly closed the door behind her. Then I was vacuuming the floor a few minutes later and Leah runs out in the hallway and holds her hand out to me "MOM stop! Shhhhh! Baby's sleeping!"
Then when it was time for Chase to go in and take his nap she was NOT happy that I had to move baby...

Leah and Chase were playing on the floor in the living room and all the sudden she runs in the kitchen.. "MOM! Chase poopy! He needs a diaper!"
Me: "Okay I'll get him, thanks baby!" And I take him to his changing table...
I took his diaper off and Leah looks at me all sassy and says, "SEE! I TOLD you he had a big poopy!"

For some reason, Leah's always been scared of really loud noises. It's not something we've encourage and she's certainly not been sheltered from loud noises at all. But whenever the trash man drives by or the lawn guys on their lawnmowers or a big truck.. she FLIPS out. If we are outside when something like that goes by she will literally RUN to the front door and cry "INSIDE! INSIDE!"
Anyway.. I was gone this past weekend visiting a friend in Scottsdale and so Tim was here with the kids. Apparently in order to make Leah not scared of the loud noises, he told her lovingly that "daddy would smash their face!" ....Yea. Something every mother wants to hear when they get home is their sweet 2 year old saying "It's okay, mommy! (and making a smashing motion with her hand) Daddy will smash his face!"


Lindsey said...

She is SO FUNNY!!!!