Thursday, March 18, 2010

Comments and Strawberries

I have (well with the help of my dear friend, Lindsey).. I have fixed the comments section on my blog. So feel free to comment away! :)

It got up to 90 degrees here today. It's going to be another hot summer and it's quickly approaching. We waited until the sun started to go down to go on our evening walk tonight which was nice. Tim, Leah, and I walked down to the neighborhood park and let her play on the playground for about an hour and then we walked home. Baby Chase is not happy in there right now. I'm having some braxton hicks contractions, which are not worrisome, just annoying, so I'm drinking about a gallon of water and relaxing (and peeing) for the rest of the night.

Leah's put all of her strawberries ("bawbewwies") from dinner into one of her "play kitchen" pots and is saying "hot hot hot" and pretending to touch them then bring her hand away. It's too funny.


Lindsey said...

Hannah had bawbewwies with her dinner too!

grandpat said...

It's so good to see that Sleepy Squirrel is still having the desired effect after all these years.