Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My first public appearance!

So since starting SayWhat Creations back in early October, it has been a huge hit! I can't believe the outpouring of support and business I have received so far! Tim calls me his little elf, because when the kids go to bed, I go to my desk in the corner of our room (my "office," I lovingly call it) and hammer away making jewelry. It's been so fun for me (plus a little extra cash never hurt anyone!). I am in the process of getting all the information for getting a business lisence and my Christmas orders are in full swing!
So friends of ours, Lara and John Dinsmore, have been in the adoption process since January. They have decided to adopt a baby from Ethiopia. You can see their story on Lara's blog: http://thefarmerswifetellsall.blogspot.com/. They have been fundraising by selling T-shirts and doing raffles, etc. I contacted her a few weeks ago, when I first started my business, and asked her if I could donate a necklace or two for her to raffle off for their fundraiser. She asked if I would be interested in joining them at their "Stop N Shop For Adoption" Fundraising event, where home businesses were getting together at the Civic Center to sell their items and donating a portion of the proceeds to the adoption fund. I thought, what a great way to help out an awesome family and earn myself some advertising as well!
So on Friday, I set up shop at my first public event. It was a small event, but lots of fun! I met a lot of other "home business" moms who gave me great advice and ideas and even invited me to join them in future craft shows in the area! My next event will be on December 6 at the Cocopah RV Resort (hello snow birds!).
Here are some pictures to mark my first public appearance as the SayWhat Creations girl!
*Special thanks to my dear friend Stacie for helping me out that night! Also to Sarah Rapp for designing my catalogs and to my DADDY at Printing Specialist Corporation for printing out my awesome catalogs!! I got so many compliments!