Friday, August 27, 2010

Leah's Lingo

Occassionally I'll add a Leah's Lingo post...because let's face say the funniest things!!!

Comes up to me and slaps my butt..."mommy you got a big butt!" thanks darling.

Changing Chase's poopy diaper..."look mommy! paydo! (play doh)"

I bought her some new pajamas the other day...she insisted on putting them on ("I wear dat?!")... I told her the shirt said "I'm a party animal" and she walked around the house saying "I'm part animal!"

Last night during the storm we kept hearing sirens. "ooh whats dat mommy?"
"Those are the firetrucks baby...the firemen are going around making sure everyone is safe."
"Dat's daddy!!!?"

"She wants treat mom! She wants cheetos!"
(she says "she wants" when she wants something because I'm always translating what she's asking for to other people...)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Lindsey said...

Haha, I love how she refers to herself in the third person - so cute!