Friday, August 27, 2010

What kind of underwear do rain clouds wear?


bahahahaha! Okay got that out of my system..... This is a picture of the sunset/storm rolling through in my back yard last night:

Anyways, so last night was pretty unusual. We had a CRAZY storm. Here in Yuma, it's like the sunniest city in the US, it hardly ever always LOOKS like it's going to rain, and then it passes right over our heads. Actually it probably does rain, but it's so damn hot that it evaporates before we can see it. So last night I thought it was going to do just that. Boy was I wrong!
At about 6:30, the clouds starting rolling in. I always take Leah outside to see the lightning in the distance and to watch the clouds go by. So last night was no different. We went out on the back porch, braved the 110 degree heat + humidity, to watch the storm brew. Leah always asks me "do you hear the under mommy? do you see the lighting?"

Around 7, we went inside so I could give Chase a bath and get him ready for bed. I told Leah we'd go back outside and watch after Chase was in bed... CHA RIGHT! Around 7:15, when I had just finished putting Chase's sleep shirt on, all hell broke loose. LOUD THUNDER. Lightning was lighting up the sky a mile a minute. It was crazy! The wind was blowing everything over, knocking the trashcans around in the street and blowing dust everywhere. Then the rain started. HARD. Then hail! HAIL! It was so loud I could barely hear Leah asking me, "do you hear the under mommy?" And she asked me this EVERY time it thundered...literally...EVERY time.
Around 7:30, the power went out. GRRRRREAT, I thought! How am I supposed to get 2 kids to bed with no power? WAIT! No power = No Air Conditioning!! WTF! It was 116 degrees this week... and it got hot in our house FAST. And at this point, I was still carrying Chase around, who on a cool day is like holding a hot coal, as we went from room to room lighting candles (this was Leah's favorite part of the night.. all the candles).
Surprisingly through all this, Leah wasn't scared at all. It's probably because I love thunderstorms and I kept telling her how cool it was. She would say "pretty cool, huh!" I had a candle lit in every room so we could see our way around the house... Leah was tired but wanted "mommy's bed!" So we all snuggled in my bed for awhile. I had our blinds and curtains open so we could watch the storm.
After Chase fell asleep and I put him in his crib, Leah and I sat on the couch and watched Barney on my iPod (luckily I had some on there from the last time we traveled).

The brunt of the storm was over around 9:30 or 10pm, and Leah finally went in her own bed and fell asleep. I was hoping power would come back on SOON! I eventually gave up and went to bed... notice I didn't say went to sleep! Because it was SO hot! I laid in bed, tossing and turning, occassionally getting up to check on the babies, until finally the power (and the air conditioning..HOORAY!) came back on around 3am. And of course the kiddos were up at 7 like usually. Needless to say, I'm TIRED today! But it was a fun, unusual night. I love me a good thunderstorm!!!

Some pictures of the storm and her aftermath! From around town...